Getting to Why used in Philippines
A US program in the Philippines designed to help highschool and college age young people to grow in leadership and positive development has requested to use the Getting to Why book as an integral part of their program. Obviously, the request was granted. We look forward to feedback on the program and its participants.
Welcome, visitors from the Indianapolis International Airport!
Thank you very much if you are visiting this site after seeing our ad in the Indy airport! We’re honored that you’ve taken the time to check out our book on your busy day. We think you’ll find Getting to Why to be an excellent investment in time, since it’s compact and lets you make progress quickly! Thanks again, and please tell us how your experience with the book goes.
New excerpt and ad in Branches magazine!
The latest issue of Branches magazine featuring stories about cooperation is now in locations across Indiana. We are proud to report that our Getting to Why chapter “Synergy” was excerpted as an article in the issue. Also, we have a 1/4 page ad in the issue. On the Northside of Indy you can pick up your free issue at New Age People at 86th and Ditch. On the Southside you can find it at Inner Path at US 31 and Shelby. Enjoy!
Ebook launched!
Thanks to everyone who has been patiently waiting for the ebook. It’s here! For links, please take a look at our updated Get the Book! page.
Ebook in progress
We planned to launch the print version of Getting to Why first and then base the ebook on the print version. We didn’t plan to take so long to launch the ebook, however. We’ve had lots of requests for it, and we apologize to those who are patiently waiting. We think it will be done in just a few more weeks (fingers crossed).
JB uses book in training–response is excellent
Recently, JB performed training in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and used Getting to Why in the session. The response was excellent. We’re also happy to report that the books are beautiful when printed out. CreateSpace does a really good job of that. Thanks for everyone who has used and had kind words for the book so far!
Book launched, website launched!
Thank you for visiting our new website! (And thanks for the many people who have been patiently waiting.)
Good news:
- The print version of the book is up on (please purchase here if you can; not to be greedy, but we earn a significantly higher royalty here.
It’s an company and as easy to use as
- The print version is also available on
JB and I would also like to thank everyone who has helped us proof the book, reviewed the book, and written comments for the back cover of the book.
Please feel free to contact either of us with comments, concerns, opinions, or anything else about the website or book!